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<u-datalist> lets you suggest values to a connected <input>. You can use it to make things like comboboxes, autosuggest, autocomplete, live search results, etc.

Quick intro:



npm add -S @u-elements/u-datalist
pnpm add -S @u-elements/u-datalist
yarn add -S @u-elements/u-datalist
bun add -S @u-elements/u-datalist
<script type="module" src=""></script>

Attributes and props


  • Attributes: all global HTML attributes such as id, class, data-
    • id must be identical to value of list attribute on associated <input>
  • DOM interface: HTMLDataListElement
    • HTMLDataListElement.options returns HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLOptionElement>


  • Attributes: all global HTML attributes such as id, class, data-
    • disabled disables and hides the element if present. Note: Setting disabled="false" will not work as intended, as disabled is a boolean attribute you should provide or remove entirely.
    • label label sets text indicating the meaning of the option. If label isn't defined, its value is that of the element text content.
    • selected sets option selected state. Note: Setting selected="false" will not work as intended, as selected is a boolean attribute you should provide or remove entirely.
    • value represents the value to be filled into associated <input>. If value isn't defined, the value is taken from the text content of the option element.
  • DOM interface: HTMLOptionElement
    • HTMLOptionElement.defaultSelected returns true or false indicating state
    • HTMLOptionElement.disabled returns true of false reflecting the disabled attribute
    • HTMLOptionElement.form returns parent HTMLFormElement
    • HTMLOptionElement.index returns a number representing the position/index within the list of options
    • HTMLOptionElement.label sets or gets string of option label
    • HTMLOptionElement.selected sets or gets true or false indicating state
    • HTMLOptionElement.text sets og gets string of option text content
    • HTMLOptionElement.value sets og gets string of option value


While <u-datalist> support all events, native datalist does not as it is rendered as part of the browser UI. Therefore, it's recommended to avoid binding events to <u-datalist> or <u-option> if you want to ensure native compatibility and future seamless opt-out.

Instead, you can detect the selection of an option element by binding an input listener to the <input> element and check for a falsy event.inputType:

<input type="text" list="my-list" />
<datalist id="my-list">
  <option>Option 1</option>
  <option>Option 2</option>
  const input = document.querySelector('input')

  input.addEventListener('input', (event) => {
    if (!event.inputType) {
      // Event is triggered by user selecting an option in datalist
    } else {
      // Event is triggered by user typing in input


While <u-datalist> and <u-option> are styleable, native datalist and option elements are currently not. However, there is a possibility that the native elements may become styleable in the future.

Styling with the display property

<u-datalist> and <u-option> are both rendered as display: block when visible, and are hidden by the hidden attribute. Styling with a display property will override the hidden attribute, thus disabling datalist show/hide and option filtering, unless you wrap your styling in a :not([hidden]) selector:

u-datalist:not([hidden]) {
  display: flex;
  /* Use :not([hidden]) if you wish to change u-datalist display
   * without disabling open/close */
u-option:not([hidden]) {
  display: flex;
  /* Use :not([hidden]) if you wish to change u-option display
   * without disabling filtering */

Styling option focus and selected state

<u-option> receive real focus on keyboard navigation, and a selected attribute on selection, which both can be utilized for styling:

u-option:focus {
  /* Focused option styling here */
u-option:not(:focus) {
  /* Un-focused option styling here */
u-option[selected] {
  /* Selected option styling here */
u-option:not([selected]) {
  /* Un-selected option styling here */

Styling example: Datalist position and animation

Example: API

Example: Dynamic


Screen reader <datalist> <u-datalist>
VoiceOver (Mac) + Chrome ❌ Does not announce option count
VoiceOver (Mac) + Edge
VoiceOver (Mac) + Firefox ❌ Does not announce option count
VoiceOver (Mac) + Safari ❌ Does not announce option count
VoiceOver (iOS) + Chrome ❌ Does not announce options
VoiceOver (iOS) + Safari ❌ Does not announce options
Jaws (PC) + Chrome
Jaws (PC) + Edge
Jaws (PC) + Firefox
NVDA (PC) + Chrome
NVDA (PC) + Edge
NVDA (PC) + Firefox
Narrator (PC) + Chrome
Narrator (PC) + Edge
Narrator (PC) + Firefox ❌ Does not show options
TalkBack (Android) + Chrome
TalkBack (Android) + Firefox ❌ Does not show options
TalkBack (Android) + Samsung Internet


Released under the MIT License