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<u-tags> extends <input> with multiselect abilities. While multiselect combobox does not exist as a HTML element or ARIA pattern, <u-tags> adhere closely to HTML conventions while providing a thoroughly tested and accessible user experience.

Quick intro:



npm add -S @u-elements/u-tags
pnpm add -S @u-elements/u-tags
yarn add @u-elements/u-tags
bun add -S @u-elements/u-tags
<script type="module" src=""></script>

Attributes and props


  • Attributes: all global HTML attributes such as id, class, data-
    • data-sr-added prefixes announcements about additions. Defaults to "Added"
    • data-sr-removed prefixes announcements about removals. Defaults to "Removed"
    • data-sr-empty announces no selected items. Defaults to "No selected"
    • data-sr-found announces where to find amount of selected items. Defaults to "Navigate left to find %d selected"
    • data-sr-of separates "number of total" in announcements. Defaults to "of"
  • DOM interface: UHTMLTagsElement extends HTMLElement
    • UHTMLTagsElement.control returns HTMLInputElement contained in <u-tags>
    • UHTMLTagsElement.items returns NodeListOf<HTMLDataElement>


  • Attributes: all global HTML attributes such as id, class, data-
    • value optionally specify the machine-readable translation of the text content.
  • DOM interface: HTMLDataElement
    • HTMLDataElement.value string reflecting the value HTML attribute.


In addition to the usual events supported by HTML elements, the <u-tags> elements dispatches a custom tags event before change, allowing you to keep track of and prevent additions and removal:

myUTags.addEventListener('tags', (event) => {
  event.detail.action // String 'add' or 'remove'
  event.detail.item // HTMLDataElement to add or remove
  event.preventDefault() // Optionally prevent action


<u-tags> renders as display: block, while <data> renders as display: inline-block with a ::after element to render the removal ×.

Example: Norwegian


Screen reader <u-tags>
VoiceOver (Mac) + Chrome
VoiceOver (Mac) + Edge
VoiceOver (Mac) + Firefox
VoiceOver (Mac) + Safari
VoiceOver (iOS) + Safari
Jaws (PC) + Chrome
Jaws (PC) + Edge
Jaws (PC) + Firefox
NVDA (PC) + Chrome
NVDA (PC) + Edge
NVDA (PC) + Firefox ✅ needs focus mode to announce tag removal
Narrator (PC) + Chrome
Narrator (PC) + Edge
Narrator (PC) + Firefox
TalkBack (Android) + Chrome
TalkBack (Android) + Firefox
TalkBack (Android) + Samsung Internet


Released under the MIT License