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<u-tabs> is not a native HTML element, but follows ARIA authoring practices for tabs. It lets you navigate between groups of information that appear in the same context.

Quick intro:

  • Use <u-tabs> to group all tabbing-elements
  • Use <u-tablist> around multiple <u-tab> direct children - these are the labels
  • Use <u-tab aria-selected="true"> to set the open tab (defaults to first tab)
  • Use <u-tab aria-controls="id-of-panel"> if you need panels outside <u-tabs>
  • Use <u-tabpanel>s after <u-tablist> - these hide/show content of related <u-tab>
  • ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Docs: Tabs



npm add -S @u-elements/u-tabs
pnpm add -S @u-elements/u-tabs
yarn add @u-elements/u-tabs
bun add -S @u-elements/u-tabs
<script type="module" src=""></script>

Attributes and props


  • Attributes: all global HTML attributes such as id, class, data-
  • DOM interface: UHTMLTabsElement extends HTMLElement
    • UHTMLTabsElement.tabList returns the contained UHTMLTabListElement
    • UHTMLTabsElement.selectedIndex sets or gets a number reflecting the index of the first selected <u-tab> element. Will ignore invalid indexes.
    • UHTMLTabsElement.tabs returns a NodeListOf<UHTMLTabElement>
    • UHTMLTabsElement.panels returns a NodeListOf<UHTMLTabPanelElement>


  • Attributes: all global HTML attributes such as id, class, data-
  • DOM interface: UHTMLTabListElement extends HTMLElement
    • UHTMLTabListElement.tabsElement returns the parent UHTMLTabsElement
    • UHTMLTabsElement.selectedIndex sets or gets a number reflecting the index of the first selected <u-tab> element. Will ignore invalid indexes.
    • UHTMLTabsElement.tabs returns a NodeListOf<UHTMLTabElement>


  • Attributes: all global HTML attributes such as id, class, data-
    • aria-selected can contain "true" or "false" to set the currently selected tab
    • aria-controls can contain ID the <u-tabpanel> to control
  • DOM interface: UHTMLTabElement extends HTMLElement
    • UHTMLTabElement.tabsElement returns the parent UHTMLTabsElement
    • UHTMLTabElement.selected sets or gets true or false, indicating whether this tab is currently selected
    • UHTMLTabElement.index returns a number representing the position/index within the list of tabs
    • UHTMLTabElement.panel returns the associated UHTMLTabPanelElement


  • Attributes: all global HTML attributes such as id, class, data-
  • DOM interface: UHTMLTabPanelElement extends HTMLElement
    • UHTMLTabPanelElement.tabsElement returns the parent UHTMLTabsElement
    • UHTMLTabPanelElement.tabs returns a associated NodeListOf<UHTMLTabElement>


No custom events beyond the usual events supported by HTML elements. Tabbing triggers a click (both with mouse and keyboard) so listen for this to check for tab change:

document.addEventListener('click', ({ target }) => {
  const tab = target instanceof Element && target.closest('u-tab');

  if (tab) {
    console.log('changed to tab:', tab);


<u-tabs>, <u-tablist> and <u-tabpanel> renders as display: block, while <u-tab> renders as display: inline-block.

Styling the tab state

<u-tab> automatically gets a aria-selected="true" or aria-selected="false" attribute, which can be utilized for styling:

.my-tab[aria-selected="true"] {
  /* Your active tab styling here */
.my-tab[aria-selected="false"] {
  /* Your inactive tab styling here */

Styling example: Scrolling tablist

Styling example: Wrapping tablist


Screen reader <u-tabs>
VoiceOver (Mac) + Chrome
VoiceOver (Mac) + Edge
VoiceOver (Mac) + Firefox
VoiceOver (Mac) + Safari
VoiceOver (iOS) + Safari
Jaws (PC) + Chrome
Jaws (PC) + Edge
Jaws (PC) + Firefox
NVDA (PC) + Chrome
NVDA (PC) + Edge
NVDA (PC) + Firefox
Narrator (PC) + Chrome
Narrator (PC) + Edge
Narrator (PC) + Firefox
TalkBack (Android) + Chrome
TalkBack (Android) + Firefox
TalkBack (Android) + Samsung Internet


Released under the MIT License